On Wednesday Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a message in the India Mobile Congress virtual event, world looks towards India with optimism to give technology enabled solutions that are affordable and sustainable,
PM said in his message which was read by Additional Secretary Telecom Anita Praveen during the virtual event,“With 5G technology to artificial intelligence, cloud, virtual reality, internet of things and robotics, the world looks towards India with confidence to provide technology enabled solutions that are affordable and strong,”
India is walking ahead to make this decade India’s ‘Techade’ equipped with one of the most vibrant ecosystems for technology innovators and startups. India’s IT and telecom sectors have been playing a pivotal role in the nation’s development story and are poised to lead India towards a more prosperous future.
He said, “Our government launched Digital India initiatives that have become central to the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat. The speed and scale of mobile connectivity have ushered in reforms, transparency, ease of living and ease of doing business,”
Mobile technology has been an enabler that has furthered disruption resilience in recent times like never before. From helping provide direct benefits to crores of Indians to ensuring help to the poor and vulnerable quickly during the pandemic, it has truly become an instrument of citizen empowerment.
The participation of global and national technology experts will lead to a vibrant exchange of thoughts on leveraging the best practices in mobile technology for the welfare of people, the PM said in his message.